Winter Sourcing When There Isn't Any Garage Sales Selling Past Your Exp Date #168

Winter Sourcing When There Isn't Any Garage Sales Selling Past Your Exp Date #168

Peggy lives in Northeast Ohio and as soon as October hits, so does the crappy weather that won't break until April. So that means 6 month of no garage sales! What's a reseller to do in the winter months when their main source of obtaining items to sell is closed up? Peggy has gotten creative and has been using online auctions to obtain awesome items to flip. There are a lot of places to grab merchandise online and often in bulk. JPeg will share many of those places so you don't have to leave the comfort of your warm house and your robe and slippers. And as always, Peg's Scores and Haul

#ebayseller #onlineselling #thrifthaul


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