Henry Bolton "defeats" the EU for its contemptible act of arrogance, Liz Truss frightens Brussels

Henry Bolton "defeats" the EU for its contemptible act of arrogance, Liz Truss frightens Brussels

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Acknowledgment of the UK as an independent and sovereign nation! Henry Bolton "beats" the EU for its arrogant act of contempt.

EU 'extremely arrogant' must recognize UK independence after Frost replacement warning.

A European Commissioner said on Sunday that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's refusal to compromise on Brexit was "unacceptable" and urged him not to let the "plots" of the Conservative Party determine a replacement. he to Brexit minister David Frost. EU Financial Services Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, who was appointed by Ireland to the European Commission, said she hoped the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and other major problems would help spur Britain to respond to concessions. Brussels. The EU is fantasizing that the immediate difficulties will make the UK bow before them, which is ridiculous.

Venting anger at foreign interference in UK decisions, former UKIP leader Henry Bolton took to Twitter about the incident.

“These people have a arrogance that deserves to be despised,” he said.

The former soldier and police officer later added: “The EU is a political and legal union and we respect that. But they need to acknowledge and respect that we are an independent and sovereign Nation-State. You stop your childishness when you speak ill of others.

In a stark warning, he concluded: “We govern ourselves. End of."

Many Twitter commentators support Mr Bolton, they curse the EU's despicable actions.

Penelope Bovey said: "An example of why many Britons want to leave the EU."

And Michele-Anne Bruchet said: "It's as if the UK is still under Brussels watch." The EU is too arrogant to look down on others.

'YonderVengeance' also joined the debate by saying: I believe Liz Truss will remove all barriers in Northern Ireland, end French and EU fishing, and remove the European court from the UK.

Henry Bolton and many Britons are outraged by the EU's arrogance and absurdity, they attack the bloc harshly.

Foreign Secretary Ms Truss is now tasked with dealing with Brussels after Lord Frost, the Brexit minister, stepped down from her role citing concerns about the direction of the Tory party.

Ms. Truss has made us British very happy, when yesterday she ordered a French fishing boat to be detained for 30 days and fined 100,000 pounds for aggressive protests in the British Sea. She was tough, at Macron's urging and demanding the release of the French fishermen.

Lord Frost's departure marks a breakthrough for the UK with the replacement of the Liz Truss bomb. Liz Truss will be a "pain" for the EU.

The following month, Ms. Truss tweeted that "Leaving can't name a country where we would get a better trade deal if we left the EU," as both sides laid out their economic arguments. them ahead of the June 23 vote.

Asked in a 2017 interview, Ms. Liz Truss said, "I see a great opportunity in terms of the UK's economic boom after leaving the EU, this is a great victory for the British.

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