Featuring Faze Rug (kinda) OmarGoshTV returns to the haunted tunnel with Tiphanie, Kris Star and Rug to see what has changed in the last few years.
My spirit box's I use (USE RESPONSIBLY)
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Another great spirit box: Apple/iOS: http://apple.co/3cDPWGZ
Google/Android: http://bit.ly/deadwaveandroid
SLS App for Android and iOS https://www.ghosttubeapp.com/promo/sls/omar
Follow my friends: @FaZe Rug @Kris Star
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Write to me here: http://OmarGoshIntro@gmail.com
For professional inquiries: http://theomargosh@gmail.com
More about OmarGoshTV: Omar Gosh goes on scary travel adventures to some of the scariest places with real haunted history. Featured on hit shows like: Paranormal caught on camera and right this minute for some of the scariest videos with ghosts. Some have claimed to have had their houses haunted just by watching so be advised. On this channel you can expect to get scared but have fun with the scary creepy content thats safe for the entire family. With that said, omargoshtv loves making his content to entertain, educate and most importantly: share his travel exploration ghost adventures with the world with a positive mindset.
Film by: OmarGoshTV All Rights Reserved and protected against unauthorized use.