At the BEGINNING of the sale in order to bid:
Please email me at VintageUprisingTx@gmail.com. I need your YouTube name, your actual name, mailing address, and your PayPal e-mail By the End of the Sale, so I can send you an invoice. Also, if you remember what items you won please include the item #/description to help me double-check.
Once the invoice is paid, I will ship out your items within 24 hours.
Thank you for joining me! Hope to see you again!
You are welcome to come and join in on the chat. All prices DO NOT include shipping. I ship from Texas 77044.
Please Pre Register by emailing me your YouTube name your real Name & address and PayPal email to VintageUprisingTx@gmail.com
Vintage Conversation - Martha
YouTube Channel
Tacky is Me - Daniel
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC6mfIucZcdTl3X72N_6DqA
1. Type the number for the item into the Live Chat (be sure you are in LIVE CHAT not top chat). The first person to show up with that number on MY screen wins. You may always show up first in your chat window, please refresh your screen to double-check.
2. If you see the number in the chat before you hear me say it, please refresh your chat.