Description part 2:
Song of the week: Monday -The Regrettes
I can't actually believe that I managed to fill up an entire description
Splitgate is actually such a cool game i really hope it doesn't die
There is no food in my fridge
It is tipping it down outside i am in a storm rn
To go out or not to go out that is the question
I went out
I am absolutely knackered I am so tired right now
People really got annoyed by that "wall hack" short haha
I swear any song by PinkPantheress has crack in it
Im offically addicted to football manager
I went on a fat walk and now i feel dead
Cod is very dead
I finally got to play back 4 blood last night and that game is so so sick
Finished back 4 blood and oh damn am i hyped now it was so much fun it really is left 4 dead 3
Season 5 isnt even out and it already looks like an L
Why is there literally no games out rn
Sorry that this looks bad am trying new stuff
Cineworld secret film tonight im guessing it'll be censor
Ended up being free guy in the end which was a stupid film but it was fun so was a good night + they gave out free stuff
It's season 5 time baby
There are chavs outside my house rn
I beat them up we're all good now
I have no internet all day
back 4 blood is fun but this beta has messed me up
my limited edition iron sky dvd came today i am hyped
im going horseracing tommorrow lets see how much money i lose
won £20 but three of my horses came second so i am very very annoyed
new cod event today lets go
that was the most disappoitng event going
Am back from the holiday
After listining to DONDA 3 times through i can comfirm that it was worth the wait
I messed my ankle up on a run :(
this vaccine has killed me i want to die rn
day 2 and im still in pain
day 3 and my armpit is now swollen
Severn beach is unbelievably dead
Yeah i dont know why i made this either
didnt think id enjoy overcooked but this game is banter
i am so so so hyped for vanguard after last night
yoooooo fm22 trailer dropped today lets go
I am torn as to if i should buy vanguard to get the early beta or wait till next weekend
I've decided that im going to wait i dont wanna be stuck with a pre order for a dead game
my jaw hurts for no reason
well we lost week one but the patriots are still gonna win the superbowl
lowkey think im sick again i hate it out here gonna kms
nah changed my mind think i shoudl be okay
monopoly is the best game going and nothing can change my mind
deathloop 10/10 game of the year
i went on a fat walk and now feel liek death
I had a very nice day :}
i have nearly lost my voice lol laugh out loud
I have somehow instantly recovered over night
Apex is a lot more fun than i thought it would be
i bet the numbers event tonight is absolute dogshit
what was that event why was it horrifically bad
its fifa 22 time baby
pro club drop in matches are horrendous
it took me an hour of searching dun dun dun dun dunnnnn to find that song
i finally get to go back to uni tomorrow
had such a great time back at uni today
i really dont wanna go uni tommorrow
squid games is such a good show
jake did not like squid games so im dropping him from the channel
I had to upload this one my hotspot
Comments broke on that last video and i have no idea why
my ass hurts
uni hasn;'t started and i already want to die
i really need a dissertation title im struggling out here
crypto dissertation?
could do a ubi dissertation?
think ill atick to crypto but damn will that analysis be a pain
or i could just kms
yeah im just gonna kms
really cant be asked for uni tommorrow got a bad feeling
eh wasnt that bad actuallu
ent of my disertation and got jo as my supervisor
i got a massive day tomorrow and i am not feeling it
ddint even go in haha
this video got claimed lol
somehow fox didnt block this video which is shocking
i am begging that the event on tuesday is good
well lets see how it goes tomorrow
was a poggers day broski
i am regrettign to choosign to do 9ams
im so so tired how is it only thursday
i am out right now
well that went fucking awful couldnt have went worse
cant wait to play man of medan 3 tonight
the game is really really good cant wait to finish it off
game doesnt fucking work anymore im stuck at a waiting for your friend screen someone please help
can someone please go fix house of ashes
how does this game still not work
played man of medan 1 last night and it was so much better than i remember
still yet to finsih man of medan 3
my body is fallling apart everyhting hurts
why did no one tell me the clocks went back
job interview friday wish me luck
good luck
Reckon we should impliment moder monetary theory so that i dont have to work
Interview didnt even go bad went okay actually thanks for the goodluck
vanguard sucks ass