Title Track : opus 153 symphony《pillars of faith》
Album : Shiro SAGISU Music from "SHIN EVANGELION"
Produced & Composed by Shiro SAGISU
Choir Lyrics : Mike Wyzgowski
Orchestra arranger : Masamichi Amano
Choir arranger : Shiro SAGISU
[ -Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra- ]
Choir : Warsaw Philharmonic Symphony Choir
Conductor : Masamichi Amano
Contractor : Wojciech Nowak
Recorded & Mixed by Andrzej Sasin and Aleksandra Nagórko
Librarian : Yuiko SAGISU, Yukiko Tanimoto, Ron Shillingford
Pro Tools Operator : Takashi Kimitsuka, Mayumi Akao
Overseas Studio Affairs : Philip Bagenal, Alison Burton, Fiona Gillot, Jack Doutt
Premix : Rupert Coulson
Mixing : Shiro SAGISU
Mastering : Patricia Sullivan
Post Production : Machiko Suzue, Kaori Ishibashi, Masahiro Kawaguchi
Recording Hall (Warsaw) : Philharmonic National Hall
Premix : Beethoven
Premix, Post-Production : Sony Nogizaka, ∠R, Ro-JAM
Mixing Studio : Ro-JAM
Mastering : Patricia Sullivan room at Bernie Grundman Mastering
Overseas Management : Shiro SAGISU
Local Management : Fumio Miyata, Mai Sato, Rie Shimasue
Production Manager : Shiro SAGISU, Rie Shimasue, Ro-JAM Ltd.
Executive Producer : Hideaki Anno
Thanks Artworks by...
- Andrew Abashidze https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RYvkbE
- Junbun_Lin https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88917055
- ろっと https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91270318
Translated Thai Lyrics, Edited & Rendering Directed by @S2P [Thai Lyrics]: infinity (S2P_p8k)
Thanks for Watching ^ ^
#ShinEvangelion #ShiroSAGISU #WarsawNationalPhilharmonicOrchestra #MasamichiAmano #WarsawPhilharmonicChoir #Evangelion #シンエヴァンゲリオン #エヴァンゲリオン #エヴァ #鷺巣詩郎 #天野正道 #S2P_ThaiLyrics #S2P_infinity
◆ All pictures belong to their respective owners. ◆
◆ All music rights go to Shiro SAGISU, Mike Wyzgowski, Khara and King Record Co., Ltd. ◆