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ഈ ചാനലിലൂടെ ഞങ്ങൾ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുന്ന
വീഡിയോകളിൽ ഒരുതരത്തിലുമുള്ള
രാഷ്ട്രീയ, സാമുദായിക, മതപരമായ ഒരു
വേർതിരിവുമില്ല. ഗവൺമെന്റ് സ്കീമുകൾ
ഏത് നിമിഷവും എപ്പോൾ വേണമെങ്കിലും
മാറ്റം സംഭവിക്കാം . ആയതിനാൽ ഞങ്ങൾ
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുന്ന പുതിയ വീഡിയോ
അപ്ഡേഷനുകൾ കാണുവാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുക
| Dam Collapsed | Kerala Weather Updates | Very important information | Latest News| Dams collapse in China's Inner Mongolia amid heavy rain China's water ministry said on Monday two dams collapsed in Inner Mongolia due to heavy rains. The dams with a combined water capacity of 1.6 trillion cubic feet collapsed on Sunday as people were quickly evacuated. Authorities said no casualties were reported. The dams were destroyed after Hulunbuir city where the dams were hosted received 87 millimetres of rainfall over the weekend. The authorities triggered Level-II emergency response for flood control and dispatched rescue teams as the rainwater reached threatening e tocus levels, reports said. Rescuers were ordered to on downstream areas and carry out search and rescue efforts as they transferred people to safe areas. Thousands of people were evacuated from China's southwestern province of Sichuan last week amid heavy rains and floods as water levels rose in 14 rivers in Sichuan. weather news today malayalam kerala weather news today kerala rain news today malayalam IMonsoon weather news today malayalam kerala weather news today kerala rain news today malayalam | Monsoon | kerala climate today news in malayalam | weather report kerala weather update today malayalam,kerala weather news today,kerala rain news today malayalam,kerala cyclone,kerala weather news malayalam,earthquake,kerala weather news,lockdown kerala news,kerala weather report,kerala monsoon news malayalam,kerala climate today news in malayalam,info nation,global media,weather alavalam forecast kerala today malayalam #keralaweatherupdate #onnakit globalmedia #keralaweatherupdates #jagratha #keralaweathernews #jaagratha #rainalerts #weather of_india #weatherupdate #weatheringwithyou #rainalerts #weather of_india #weatherapphindi trainslerte #weatherapp iweatherappandroidedmtdev iweatherby #weatherchange #weatherinmadhyapradesh #weatherkarachi tweatherupdate #weatheringwithyou #weatherreportinodishafornext2 #weatherman #weatherreport #weatheralert #weatherandclimate #weatherandclimateclass5 #weatherclimateandadaptation #weatherchannel #weatherdailypakistan #weatheredwood #weathered #weatherforecasting #weatherforecast #weatherforecastindia #weatherforcastingodisha #weatherforcast #weatherfotecastfortoday #weatherfollower #weathergirl #weathergujarat #weatheringthestorminersama #weatheringwithyouindia #weatherinbihar #weatherindia #weatheringwithyouhindi dubbed tweatherinmadhyapradesh tweatherkarachi #weathermadhyapradesh aweathernews #weathernow #weathernewstoday weatherpunjabtoday #weatherpunjab #weatherph #weatherpakistan #weatherproofcharging #weatherpatrol #weatherreporttoday #weatherreportodisha #weatherresistantpaint #weatherstation #weatherstatusodisha #weathersunday #weatherreportodishatoday #weathersong #weatherstrip #weathertv #weathertracking #weathertoday #weathertech # #malayalamnewslatest #31 #malayalamnewslive #malayalamnewslatest wmalayalamnewslive today i#malayalamnewshortfilm #malayalamnewslivetv #malayalamnewslive *malayalamnewsonline #malayalamnewsongs #malayalamnewsreaders #malayalamnewstoday #malayalamnewsvideos #keralanews live. #keralanewsmalayalam #keralanewstodaylive #keralanewschannel #keralanewspaper #keralanewsupdates #keralanewsvideo