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0:00 Intro
0:53 Calories
3:10 Macros
3:29 Protein
5:03 Fats
6:43 Carbohydrates
9:38 Meal Frequency
10:25 Meal Timing
11:17 Supplements
This is a step by step plan to make your own customised and personalised diet plan for Fat Loss. If you are looking for fast fast loss you must focus on the diet along with your workout and cardio routine.
These are extremely easy calculations and a little bit of effort from your side will help to design the best diet plan to lose fat fast.
When it comes to diet there is a lot of confusion as to how many calories should you eat, how many grams protein should you eat in a day, how many carbohydrates and fats should you consume in order to lose fat fast.
In this video we will be focusing on 5 main components:
1. Calculating number of calories
2. Calculating the Macronutrients i.e. Protein, Carbs and Fats
3. Meal Frequency (How many times in a day should you eat)
4. Meal Timing (What times of the day should you eat)
5. Supplements needed to start your Fat Loss process
Calories are the number 1 factor in deciding how fast you will lose fat. If you eat too many calories you won’t be able to lose weight and if you eat too less calories then you will start losing your hard earned muscle mass which will drop your metabolism and slow down your fat loss .
Similarly for macronutrients let’s talk about Protein needed in a day. If you eat too much protein it can cause you to eat more calories and if you eat too less it will result in muscle loss because Protein is responsible for repairing or building new muscle . It breaks into amino acids and repairs your muscles
Here we will be taking an example of 2 individuals both of 80 kgs . One individual has higher body fat percentage and the other has lower body fat percentage.
The amount of calories will vary for both individuals. The higher body fat percentage individual will eat less calories to less fat and the leaner individual will eat more calories for healthy weight loss.
The amount of protein required will remain the same in both individuals but the amount of Fats and Carbohydrates will differ in both.
The higher body fat percentage individual will eat lesser fats and carbs and leaner individual will eat more fats and carbs for healthier fat loss.
If your weight is different than 80 kgs then replace the weight with your own weight in all the calculations in video. Hope this video helps you to lose fat fast and achiever the best physique of your life .
Background Music From Epidemic Sounds - http://share.epidemicsound.com/rVcp