These are some of my adventures being spied on, stalked, and turned into a Contract Stalking, Organized Harassment cash cow (money, favors, gift cards, whatever else), in the Greater Victoria British Columbia Canada area.
One of my Targeted Individuals group associates did a special counter surveillance photo collection of the organized harassment, gangstalking perpetrators, and wanted me to help share the content to those that I am connected to. Everyone has different connections to different people and different places.
My associate was rather creative with his photograph editing. I am sure all the other TI groups and their members will be amused by my associate's creativity skills. The rest of them can share this slide show to the other TI associates and allies as they see fit. You did not think I was the only one who is helping to share this content around the entire planet, did you?
My associates said this creative editing of some of their past collected gangstalking perps would help my channel gain more viewing numbers from our allies, fans, and followers, help inspire our global associates in doing whatever they can to crush a different perp each day, fire up the political base of the TI global community, draw more international attention, and also just provide a lot of amusement for everyone watching perps getting their own bullshit back in their faces. It is a win win win situation for everyone, except maybe for the various perps spread out everywhere. How could I refuse to help them make perps squirm for everybody else to watch?
My social media traffic just keeps going up slowly and steadily, even if they do not go up as fast as some of the other larger and more international TI channels. My numbers just went up again.
I love this! This is just another reminder for the rest of you to continue what you are doing and go out there to hunt down more content material for me and others to share farther away. Just keep the material flowing into the production machine. I will help you distribute your content if you will help me internationally distribute my material. We have a lot of associates to feed.