Never Start Working with Clients Without a Contract in place

Never Start Working with Clients Without a Contract in place

Never work without getting your clients to sign a contract!

I've been running my own business for 20 years making websites and doing SEO for businesses in all types of industries..

We started out by taking a small deposit in advance and then collecting the rest upon completion.

Obviously, with no contract in place, many customers did not want to pay the rest of the agreed amount, so they began to come up with excuses to avoid paying us.

It started to become an endless routine. A chore, basically. The situation changed for the better only when we started using contracts in all of our projects.

The Clients with neverending excuses disappeared and we began to get paid on time, every time without issue.

But having a contract in place is only one part of the solution, you also need a strategy to handle revision request from the client and move the project towards completion.

What we do is get the client to confirm our work on each phase of the project before moving on to the next phase.

The client signs off on the work, and if they want to go back and change something down the line we just tell them "Hey, that’s fine but since we have already completed this task, and it will cost money to redo it, we’ll need to charge you for the additional time. Most clients understand this and are willing to pay you for your extra time.

Remember, always get your clients to sign a contract and have a plan in place to progress the project.

Never Start Working with Clients Without a Contract in place

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