Since prehistoric times, DCS World forums have waged war, tirelessly back-n-forth about VR vs None-VR. Which setup gives DCS Pilots free rides when it comes to spotting distances?
While each device, VR vs "Flat" brings obvious pro's and cons to the table, the distance at which aircraft appear shouldn't really be one of them, or is it? Let's fine out!
Big thanks to the couple folk dropping in a couple cookies into the jar over the festive season. Much appreciated, and happy 2023 to all subscribers, old and new!
BTW - my graphics settings remained UNCHANGED between the tests, aside from the VR / 2K / 4K settings... I had previous messed around with other settings that makes reflections, shadows etc, with no obvious changes at all to view distances.
00:00 Does VR Give Pilots in DCS unfair Viewing Distances?
01:51 The 4K "Flat Screen" Test
03:16 The 2K "Flat Screen" Test
04:22 Enter Stage Left A-10c
05:58 Can You See It? Free Eye Test!
06:39 "I get the feeling these guys R easier 2 see VR"