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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this video are my own and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies, or opinions of my sorority, its leadership, or any of its affiliates. © 2022-2023 All rights reserved.
My sorority's membership: http://sgrho1922.org/membership
My website: https://www.kelstells.com.
Order my Intake Prep Course: https://kelsey-s-school-b677.thinkific.com/collections
Order your customized Stuff4Greeks jacket: https://www.s4g.com/?AffId=220
Connect with me:
Twitter: TellsKels
Instagram: KelsTells
Influenster: KelsTells
Snapchat: KelsTells
Inquiries: kelstells.all@gmail.com
#kelstells #kelstellsnphc #kelstellssororiteatalks
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Drone: https://amzn.to/3kkEpQz
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Sony Alpha a500: https://amzn.to/2H5K6kx
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