"Even As Your Soul Prospers" | Pastor Tim Stahlman // Dec. 11th, 2022

"Even As Your Soul Prospers" | Pastor Tim Stahlman // Dec. 11th, 2022

"Even As Your Soul Prospers" | Pastor Tim Stahlman // Dec. 11th, 2022
Family Church Jamestown is a non-denominational church where you can get answers for your life.
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Family Church Jamestown is a non-denominational church located on the outskirts of Jamestown, NY between Busti and Jamestown near Lakewood, NY. Service times are Sunday at 10:30 AM and Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM EST time. There are youth programs and childcare available for ages crawler to 7. Our address is 3130 Garfield Rd, Jamestown, NY 14701.
#FCJamestown #GodLovesJamestownNY #FamilyChurch #JamestownNY #GodLovesLakewoodNY #LifeChanging #MayvilleNY #falconerny #BemusPointNY #CeleronNY #AshvilleNY #BustiNY #IAmSaved #Faithfulness #TheWord1st #JesusIsLord #Elevation #OnlineChurch #ChurchOnline #Worship #GodHeals #NewTestament #JesusLovesYou #ChurchFamily #GodsWord #LoveOneAnother

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