Lauren Boebert Causes A Major Scene And Disrupts Debate Before It Begins

Lauren Boebert Causes A Major Scene And Disrupts Debate Before It Begins

Lauren Boebert had a debate against her Democratic opponent on Saturday evening, and she managed to make a complete ass of herself before the thing even began. Boebert tried to pull a "gotcha" on the debate moderator by pointing out PART of a tweet she sent out two years ago, but the moderator quickly pointed out the selective editing and how Boebert was being deceptive. But there's a good reason Boebert started the debate this way, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins points out.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Republican representative Lauren Boebert had her debate this past weekend with her democratic opponent and it literally took a matter of seconds into this debate before it went totally off the rails. So take a look at what happened at the very beginning of the debate when Lauren Boebert just absolutely went bonkers before the thing even started here. It is.

Do you both agree to these rules? Yes, ma'am. Before I agree to the rules, I do have one request for you. Um, ed, can you please disclose to the audience you publicly supported? My 2020 Democrat candidate, Diane Mitch Bush. And can you please disclose any other roles that you have had with Democrat candidates in the past? I actually do not recall giving any money to, uh, Diane, Mitch, not money to support, uh, come again. So I, I believe that this is relevant. Um, because when I was invited, when I received the invitation to the club, 20 debate, um, club, 20 CMU, and the daily Sentinel said that they want to provide a nonpartisan forum tonight. Now, isn't it true that you tweeted during the 2020 election rep mish Bush, I've always been a supporter of yours. And the other part of that tweet said that I took issue with something she had said, um, relative to her, I correct.

You know what? This debate is not about me, Congress. It's fair to everyone here. We're going to go ahead. 20 knowingly chose you to moderate this to bear. I don't think it's fair to the audience or to you Congresswoman bobber. This is not about me tonight. This is about you and your opponent. I am here to ask to be the traffic cop while these panelists ask questions. And I respectfully ask that you agree to the terms of this debate, if you will not do so, then we can close things down right now, ed, I do agree to the rules of the debate, and I am glad that everyone is aware that this, that club 20 has not chosen a non-partisan moderator. Thank you.

It's a simple enough question. Do you agree to these terms? And bobber went off in her little diatribe thinking she had her own gotcha moment with this moderator. Like, isn't it true that you, once, several years ago supported my opponent and the moderator's like, did you finish reading the tweet? Did you see that? I was actually calling her out for something that, that she had done there. Did you not finish the tweet? You can go ahead and read the rest of the tweet if you want. And Bo's like, I just think people need to see, like she was already on her heels because even though she tried to get the moderator, the moderator ended up getting her instead like cool. You cherry picked something. I said, by cutting it off. Mid-sentence good for you, Lauren, do you agree to the terms of the debate? The actual debate itself, of course, did not go much better for Lauren Boebert, uh, there's actually a super cut of clips out there.

where she says repeatedly all throughout the debate, the phrase Nancy Pelosi's con job, there was a super cut of that clip floating around on social media right now, because all she could do kind of pulling a Marco Rubio was go back to the exact same set of talking points over and over and over again, because that's all she knew how to do. She can't be pulled off script because she's not good enough as a debater to be pulled off script. She can't think off the top of her head, if it's not already written down right there in front of her to say, she doesn't know what to say, right?

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