Painting of the "Fanciful Flamingo" in "A NeverEnding Story", the Infinite Jigsaw Puzzle Painting.
This is the 2nd painting out of an infinite number of puzzle pieces for my unique, one of a kind, massive jigsaw puzzle painting! the cool thing about this puzzle painting is that each individual piece is a standalone painting, but also works in the overall scheme of one NeverEnding puzzle painting.
This puzzle is A Neverending Story...I am going to continue to add new puzzle pieces for an undetermined amount of time, but hopefully for a very long time! Each piece of this puzzle will feature an animal, some of them endangered, some recovered from the endangered list through conservation efforts and others just because, haha!
My goal for this work of puzzle art is to create a beautiful, colorful celebration of animals and the natural world. We are all interconnected, and share this amazing planet that we get to call home. By creating this puzzle and sharing it with art collectors and animal lovers around the world, I hope to create a sense of togetherness, we ARE in this together, and we need to be aware of our impact on the environment and other species, and be sure to make it positive. Let's join together and help preserve and nurture this beautiful world that we all share, and celebrate the wonder of all the beautiful creatures that work in symbiotic harmony to create the most beautiful puzzle...planet earth.
A portion of the proceeds from each puzzle piece will be donated to ReWild, an organization I have collaborated with, and contribute to, to help “conserve the diversity of life on Earth".