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The Power Of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change: Wayne Dyer. For years Wayne Dyer has been researching the power of intention, the energy that surrounds all of us. He tells us how we can train ourselves to tune into this energy and step beyond our minds and egos. When we do this we become what Dyer calls 'Connectors' and make ourselves available to the energy of success.
Connectors are the people whom everyone sees as lucky, the people who get all the breaks. They don't say, 'With my luck, everything will go wrong,' they just know things will go well. They trust an invisible force that will be all-providing and just don't attract negativity to themselves. This book is full of dynamic steps that we can use to tap into this transformational energy. To accomplish this, Dr. Dyer takes the audience through a journey into the seven faces of intention: (1)creativity, (2) kindness; (3) love, (4) beauty, (5) expansiveness, (6) abundance, and (7) receptivity.
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