HSE & Why organizations should comply with ISO systems

HSE & Why organizations should comply with ISO systems

ISO systems are very important. These are basically affirm and approved best practices using them which results in approved systems of organizations. Organizations take due advantage of these by having more profits, time saving and appropriate.growth.
My organization does this too for our all clients all over the world.
Till now I have observed that very percentage of organizations wants to take the real benefits of this ISO system at many companies. They comply to fullfil the requirements of client, tender, export and so on however it should never be done like this.
The ISO systems real value is not seen due to its improper implementation. If you get it applies accurately and appropriately from qualified and experienced professional like myself you can have real value of it.
The above is completely true because complying ISO system needs lot of effort.
For example: I got.an order of complying ISO 45001:2018 in a organization of 3000 employees. I will precisely follow the following steps:
1. I will have gap analysis/first internal audit of that organization.
2. I will start making doucments of ISO 45001:2018 in real sense. This means when I will be addressing each clause of the said standaes, I will be doing it in true sense. likewise, internal and external issues will be addressed in true sense by meeting all the concern personals and documenting it than appropriately.. Similarly, needs and expectations of the interested parties shall be addressed. When I will be talking about JDs. The said JDs will be made in real sense. SOPs will be documented with all the required forms.
3. PPEs system will be implemented in real sense.
4. Fire Extinguishers set up will be generated inclusive of required fire extinguishers at all places, their job cards, their check sheets, their safety signs and all required trainings on time.
5. HSE trainings plan shall be made and executed.
6. Emergency drills shall be conducted.
7. Planning of HSE shall be ensured.
8. Internal audits plan to be assured to be executed all around the year.
9. Conducting management reviews on time.
10. Have non conformities / CARs on time with their completion and many many more.
If you need more details, summary, analysis,reports, recommendations you can contact me (Amir Sultan) from anywhere in the world at +92 3357347400, +92 314 6397990, emails: amirsultanrana@yahoo.com, amirsultanrana1@gmail.com, contact@qhsebusinessinternational.com and website:www.qhsebusinessinternational.com


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