This is the moment an unsuspecting warthog walks down the road right into 2 lions that were waiting in ambush.
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Warthogs and other prey animals will often use the roads, as it is a clear path for them, so they can easily spot predators in the area. Well… It didn’t work out as planned this time.
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This footage was shared with LatestSightings.com by Shannon Finnegan after she took it while on a safari in the Kruger National Park.

Shannon tells us the story:
“We had been driving along this quieter dirt road in Kruger Park one hot afternoon. This particular road was not as popular with visitors, which is why we decided to give it a try.”

“After about two hours of very little wildlife sightings, we were taken by surprise when two lionesses walked out on to the road in front of us. Everyone in the car perked up and we felt so incredibly lucky to have such a close lion sighting and with no other cars around at the time. We followed slowly behind the lions for while they made their way along the road. It appeared that this was a mature lioness accompanied by a sub or young adult female.”

“We already felt things couldn’t get much better, but we were in for a heck of a show. Out of nowhere, a warthog walked out onto the road maybe 90-100 meters ahead. The lions behavior instantly switched to hunting mode and they jumped into the tall grass to start their ambush.”

“The direction and strength of the wind was at the advantage of the lions and the warthog never stood a chance. It was grazing along the center of the road and slowly making its way in the direction of our car.”

“It was incredible to see the lions hunting tactics. The younger female started to make her way around to position herself behind the incoming warthog. Every move was steady and she kept glancing back to the older female as if almost for approval of her approach.”

“The older female remained hidden close to our car and waited for the right moment to strike. Once the warthog was in reach, the younger female hopped out behind it and frightened it forward right into the jaws of the mature female. We could not believe what we had just witnessed. The lions quickly dispatched the warthog and the air filled with the smell of its now exposed intestines. The two females made quick work of their fresh meal. This is truly an encounter I will never forget and feel so grateful to have witnessed.”

To license the footage:


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