Khannan Rajendran present his work on 'Forward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Free-Standing Waveguides on a Silicon Photonics Platform' on Frontiers in Optics 2021 (FTu6B.3)
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) is demonstrated on a standard active silicon photonics platform, the forward SBS gain and opto-mechanical coupling rates are calculated for two different rib waveguide geometries.Authors: Khannan Rajendran, UGent-imec / Awanish Pandey, UGent-imec / Alain Takabayashi, EPFL / Umar Khan, UGent-imec / Niels Quack, EPFL / Wim Bogaerts, UGent-imec / Dries Van Thourhout, UGent-imec