Pro-Trump Representative Nicole Malliotakis was left "visibly shaken" after she was attacked by Donald Trump at a dinner the two attended earlier this week. Malliotakis voted for the infrastructure bill that passed last week, and there is clearly no room for dissent of any kind in today's Republican Party. Even though the bill is going to deliver for every single county in the country, the fact that Biden wanted it passed was enough for Trump to attack anyone who supported it, even if they're been unyielding in their loyalty to him. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.thedailybeast.com/nicole-malliotakis-visibly-shaken-after-trumps-dinner-rant-about-her-infrastructure-vote-says-report?ref=home
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
On Monday evening, freshmen Republican representative Nicole Malliotakis from New York, attended a dinner where Donald Trump was there. Donald Trump was speaking and Malliotakis was super excited. She's been a big time Trump supporter. She loves Trump. She's been very vocal about her love for Trump. And so when Donald Trump went on a tear during his little speech at this dinner and mentioned her and attacked her personally for voting in favor of the infrastructure bill, those in attendance said that Malliotakis was quote, visibly shaken, by Donald Trump calling her out with her sitting right there in the audience. She was heartbroken. She didn't know what to do. She loved Donald Trump. She had put all of her eggs in the Trump basket. She had been a vocal supporter. She stuck with him. She was loyal.
She did everything right until last Friday when she was one of 13 Republicans in the House to vote in favor of the infrastructure bill. And that is what Donald Trump was going off about during this dinner. That's why he attacked Malliotakis and of course, all of the other Republicans have voted in favor of it, including Mitch McConnell over in the Senate. You just can't do that. And now Malliotakis is on Donald Trump's bad side because she wasn't paying attention to anything that's happened throughout the entirety of Donald Trump's life. Even before the guy came to office, even before he started running for office, everybody knew because there had been plenty of warnings from those who had been close to him, Donald Trump is not a loyal individual. He demands loyalty from everyone, but it doesn't even matter how loyal you are, once you are no longer useful, he will cut you out as if you never even existed.
This is not a two way street. The love does not flow both ways. That is a one-way road and it is a dead end road. And Malliotakis just found that out on Monday evening. But here's the thing. In Trump world, in Republican land really, there's no room for any kind of dissent because they don't want to help the other side. Now look at that and contrast that with the fights in the Democratic party right now, you know, with Joe Manchin going out there watering down this legislation, trying to kill it effectively, and Democrats are off and we're calling him out and we're exposing all the corporate money he's getting and were shining a big old spotlight on how horrible he is. And it's not because he has a difference of opinion. It's because he is corrupted and he is blocking things that would actually help the American public.
On the Republican side, they vote, 13 of them, for something that would help the American public, something that is going to provide infrastructure dollars to every single county here in United States, every county gets money off this bill. 13 Republicans voted for it. It was a win for Joe Biden when he desperately needed a win. And now they're getting attacked by Trump. Now they're getting threatened with being stripped of their committee assignments from some of the more extreme Republicans in the House. They're actually having a meeting next week, by the way, to determine what to do with these individuals.