Extra guide for XP Colosseum
- Combo for XP Colosseum rushing can be replaced with another "Start Money Up".
- The reason why you need to keep distance between 1st and 2nd Manic Eraser is to prevent the 2nd Eraser from getting hit by Kurosawah. The 1st Eraser is the decoy to trigger Kurosawah attack.
- The moment when you send out Yukimura, he need to hit 2 Doge Darks. Otherwise, they'll destroy all your Manic Eraser and lose the run. You also gain money from 2 Doge Darks too.
- You need Yukimura for this strategy. Yukimura don't need to be that high level like mine. He can hit Kurosawah twice be Kurosawah land a hit anyway. You only need to protect Yukimura from all Doge Darks.
This video took me a bunch of stuff to do. I spend a bunch of Treasure Radar, Cat Jobs, Leadership, XP (of course), Cat Food (for Furi), and most importantly Catseyes. My catseyes are not this empty for like 3 years so it might be a good thing :3
During farming session, I speed up the video by x3.5 and the timer could be super accurate (if it isn't, it is Premiere Pro fault). The time when I misclick, I stop record the vid and record another half to prevent the worst case possible like record file broken. I waste like 10 seconds on that tho :(
Another thing that I like to say that since I speed up the video, the quality is somehow glitchy and make weird after image. I speed up XP spending part by x5.7 so it super fast. Some people in wiki discord claim that they see Lvl 50 Metal Cat in 5:13 (which is true because of low quality image) and that cause a funni controversy that said I'm hacker or something lol. I just go there and show them a proof and look like everything end well. As I said, I hate hacker and refuse to talk to them in any kind. If you still need proof, you can contact me whenever you want through discord. I can proof you every single thing you need to know because I have nothing to hide anyway :/
0:00 Intro
0:20 XP Explanation
1:57 XP Colosseum Rush Strat
3:21 Furiluga Opening
4:50 (intense button clicking)
7:07 0 XP Moment
8:35 (get ready)
9:05 XP Colosseum Farming
16:22 Conclusion
17:33 Outro
Song List
- Monster Hunter OST - Pokke Village Theme
- Rob Gasser - Ricochet
- 【フリーBGM】R.I.P.【絶望の戦闘BGM】