Swaragini | स्वरागिनी | Swara Comes To Durga Prasad's Aid | दुर्गा प्रसाद को बचाएगी स्वरा

Swaragini | स्वरागिनी | Swara Comes To Durga Prasad's Aid | दुर्गा प्रसाद को बचाएगी स्वरा

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Ragini and Swara ask Durga Prasad to shed some light on the ill treatment meted out to him and his wife by Parineeta and Adarsh. Promising to return the next day to free them, the Human Rights Group members leave. However, will Adarsh accept defeat so easily? Later, upon finding a large amount of money in Lakshya's wardrobe, Ragini discusses the same with Swara.

Swaragini' is a story about Swara and Ragini, who belong to warring families, but later realise that they are in fact half-sisters. Out of sheer hatred, Ragini manipulates Swara's love interest, Lakshaya into marriage, while Swara ends up getting married to Lakshya's brother, Sanskar. Once he learns the truth, Sanskar swears to reunite Swara with Lakshya, but in turn falls in love with her. Will Swara choose her lover over her husband, or will the sanctity of holy matrimony triumph?

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#ColorsRishtey #Swaragini #स्वरागिनी

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