Whether we look at the Mandela effect, or other dimensions of reality, one thing for sure, there are states of mind you can easily enter to shift your entire reality.
In this fascinating interview with You ARE the Placebo's Dr. Joe Dispenza, we'll look at how you can use the power of your mind and your thoughts, to completely shift your life, choosing a new future out of the infinitude of possibilities.
When you learn how to work with your thoughts and feelings, you leave the heaviness of this reality behind, and begin working at a higher level, or on a higher plane...in essence going from a 3D or 4D versions of yourself to a far higher multi-dimensional energy being in human form.
And as that energetic being, you aren't limited by the rules of 'common folk'. Instead, you are only limited by your imagination.
In this show you'll learn how to do just this, and completely alter your reality!
This is one very HIGH level, life-changing show!
If you’re looking to rewiring your thoughts, rewrite the story you’ve been telling yourself and truly align your thoughts and beliefs with your highest self then THIS is the episode for you.
Dr. Joe Dispenza is the best selling author of books like “Breaking The Habit Of Being You”, “Becoming Supernatural", "How Common People Are Doing The Uncommon” and what our chat today will revolve around, “You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter”.
Visit: https://drjoedispenza.com/
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