MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is facing a defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems of more than $1 billion. Lindell's net worth is only a fraction of that, and experts are now suggesting that Dominion could end up seizing control of his company if they are successful with their suit. Lindell says that he isn't worried, and that HE is the one that will end up the victor, but his optimism is likely misplaced, as Farron Cousins explains.
Link - https://www.businessinsider.com/will-dominion-own-mypillow-if-it-wins-defamation-lawsuit-2021-11
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My pillow CEO, Mike Lindell actually spoke to the folks at business insider this week to talk about the $1.3 billion lawsuit that he is facing from dominion voting systems for allegedly defaming the company with all of his claims of some kind of election interference, election fraud, whatever it is Lindale's been claiming. Dominion is one of the companies right at the heart of this. And so back in February, they filed the $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against him. And Lindell told business, insider is happy about this is totally exactly what he wanted. He wanted to be sued so he could get his hands on their documents. Uh, okay, good luck with that. I mean, I know you will and discovery, but, uh, on the other hand, reports are now saying that actually legal experts in these reports are now saying that you could lose your company. Last time I checked Mike Lindell had a net worth of, uh, maybe around 300 million, maybe a little under that lot of money.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of money, but 300 million is not 1.3 billion. In fact, if you do the quick math on that, you'll see that it's $1 billion short. So legal experts are now saying if dominion is successful. And of course, if they get 1.3 billion in damages, uh, which is unlikely for the record, but even if you cut that number down, if you cut that number in half, it still means Lindell is going to owe more than he has at that point when Lynn Del cannot pay that's when things get interesting, either he could turn over his company to dominion and they would then use that to, uh, you know, make up the difference for what he owes them still. Or he could liquidate the company would effectively go bankrupt. Essentially, according to the legal experts be put up for auction, at which point dominion could be one of the companies that swoops in and buys it.
So then you make voting machines and you make pillows, right? Win-win for everybody, either way, Lynn Dell's ability to retain ownership of his own company is not looking so great right now, of course, if a jury comes back or, you know, if a judge, whatever says, yes, you win your defamation suit, but we're only going to give you a hundred million dollars. Lindale would be okay. He has a hundred million dollars to spare, and that's a wild thought for somebody as seemingly naughty as he is, but he could afford that he could probably afford 200 million, but once you start getting more than that, that's when things get iffy. And the big question of course, is what is dominion going to get in the final verdict? 1.3 billion is steep. 1.3 billion I believe is asking way too much, uh, for what happened, but Lindell is not pessimistic about this at all.
He super optimistic. And in fact, once again, in this interview with business insider, he said that when he wins, he's going to get his hands on all those dominion voting machines take the plastic off. Cause last time when he said he was going to melt down the machines, I mentioned the plastic. So I guess maybe he was paying attention. He's gonna take the plastic off, melt it down separately to make prison food trays, and then melt the metal in the voting machines down to make prison bars for all of these dominion executives. And of course, everybody else that Lindell says is in on the conspiracy to steal the 2020 election, which as we all know didn't happen, of course that's the best case scenario for Lindell. And even if he wins, he's not going to get his hands on the voting machines. And I don't think the man knows how to melt them down if he did the real possibility is that my pillow no longer becomes a Michael indel property. And if it goes up for auction again, dominion could snatch it up or anybody else could buy it. So if you're in the market for a cheap pillow company, stay tuned because things are going to get really interesting with this case. Moving forward,