There is a lot of people who hear about The High 5 Habit and think it’s dumb or silly.
And here’s what I have to say if you’re one of them:
Don’t use it.
Don’t even try it.
Maybe you’re right. Something so simple couldn’t possibly make a difference in your life. But what if it did? What if this was the thing that was missing? What if the answer to all the big issues was something so small, you nearly missed it?
What if high fiving yourself in the mirror every morning to start your day turned out to be the thing that changed your life?
Thank you Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes from @The High Performance Podcast for asking the tough questions. It’s natural to be cynical. Just don’t let your cynicism stop you from trying something that might change your life.
You can listen or watch to the entire podcast episode here: http://www.thehighperformancepodcast.com/episodes/melrobbins
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Get my #1 NEW book, The High 5 Habit, here: http://high5habit.com
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