Heavy and deep with a nice side of wet distant rain. Curl up and enjoy 12 hours of lovely rain sounds featuring rumbling thunder. Our black screen last the full 12 hours to promote sleep. Recorded in Bali, Indonesia.
🌊 Ocean sounds: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT6TY7eRibNzHHPIfMFi6QTGZojRgclP4
⛈️ Rain sounds and thunderstorms: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT6TY7eRibNz7vYvNa9Kxhfbw_j5mX-zx
⬛ 10 hours black screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI90CUgSiSc&list=PLT6TY7eRibNzPFBdTuk_IsMiNS1uEELIQ
To relieve insomnia, reduce anxiety, for guided meditation, or simply fall asleep fast. Stress relief available when you need it.
🔽 Download MP3 series: https://gum.co/nature (650+ hours of mp3's!)
10 hours long nature videos from the series:
🌊 Big Surf https://youtu.be/b6ea3xcWBlU
🌊 Pebble Beach https://youtu.be/emSBxaqfvoE
🌊 Gentle Ocean https://youtu.be/7BZNwDpfo2M
🌊 Ocean Relaxing Surf https://youtu.be/5eEHXGeT5L0
🌊 Ocean Waves Pebble Beach https://youtu.be/6kTkL4n8wsU
🌊 Ocean Waves https://youtu.be/4QqZWQWxars
🌊 Pleasant Beach https://youtu.be/-jhnxXp-g3c
⛈️ Heavy Rain with Rolling Thunder https://youtu.be/jB-7Y5eDfXk
🌧️ Long Soothing Rain https://youtu.be/4CKUsqBYyAs
🌧️ Rainshowers https://youtu.be/YAVhm5v-zIU
🌧️ Tropical Rain https://youtu.be/bzOBHEkCrZg
🌧️ Showers https://youtu.be/Do_Fmmx1Mp0
⛈️ Heavy Rain https://youtu.be/1Y-yDV83FTs
⛈️ Thunderstorm Inner Perspective https://youtu.be/dBFLWSiefwU
⛈️ Electrifying Thunderstorms https://youtu.be/cXrC3SdewuM
💧 Jungle River https://youtu.be/8Rl6ugfDh7g
🦜 Birdsong https://youtu.be/HYpuHbw3PiE
🦜 A Tropical Rain Forest https://youtu.be/0zsYOmXmXc8
🌌 Twilight https://youtu.be/LTOJozCpjNE
🐸 Pig Frogs https://youtu.be/vbt7kdzns9Y
🐸 Backwater Chorus https://youtu.be/FvZdW9nYMr4
🦜 Jungle Birdsong https://youtu.be/JmxNQgI9vho
🦃 Turkey Talk https://youtu.be/Qs_SrCQ3g4g
🦉 Hoots and Howls https://youtu.be/qkF2cLC3cmc
💧 Big River https://youtu.be/zvhHBwifmds
🐦 Stream-side Songbirds https://youtu.be/CQFcL6fK6oQ
💧 Small Rapids https://youtu.be/gXWYdnMaSJA
🦜 Jungle River https://youtu.be/fke3iRYx6mM
💧 Small Rapid https://youtu.be/weryGC1-4H0
🦜 Deep Woods https://youtu.be/lZXuqY4J_zI
🦜 Songbirds https://youtu.be/CppmXLEWzEs
🦜 Wilderness Rain-shower https://youtu.be/JjdNx-PJ2-4
🦗 Crickets and Wolves https://youtu.be/T9QQRjDQcZU
🦗 Cicadas https://youtu.be/v2qksq1Fs-s
🦗 Midnight Serenade https://youtu.be/gXsQ8lw3wfs
🌌 Predawn https://youtu.be/9tceW3Xwwr4
🦜 Rain with Pigmy Owl https://youtu.be/3gJ37wStjHE
🐸 Marsh https://youtu.be/OaBdFgRVR1E
💧 Sparkling Water https://youtu.be/Pc6Yh0ejdyE
🐦 Brookside Birds https://youtu.be/OuvDb14liy4
🐦 Bobwhite Dover and Cardinals https://youtu.be/RxFmlEo2xWI
🐦 Streamside Songbirds https://youtu.be/O9o_tVguWqM
🐸 Small Green Froggies https://youtu.be/d_gg2sE47hw
🐸 Water Frogs https://youtu.be/EVpcIHp9qN8
🐸 Frog Chorus https://youtu.be/JYyrNqcog50
🐸 Froggies https://youtu.be/PqWBx1zpXlQ