[Scoia'tael-Guerilla Tactics]
Deck List: https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/guides/282500
Deck Explanation: 0:00
1st Match: 13:13 Vs Northern Realms/Pincer Manuever
2nd Match: 28:40 Vs Northern Realms/Inspired Zeal
3rd Match: 37:52 Vs Monsters/DeathWish
4th Match: 49:34 Vs Nilfgaard/Imprisonment
Hey what's up my friends! :)
Ever since Alumni were released i have heard many stories of hardships in battle to the hands of the mages, it lead me to the conclusion that i must do something to make myself of assistance, therefore i present you with the answer to northern realms mage decks! :P
This is a deck heavy on control, we have multiple ways to cause destruction. Bombs, tall punish, row damage and even double serpent trap with Hattori. We can use Nivellen to grant us more of a pay off when playing dragons dream over the third and final round. The deck does have a unitless theme to it, playing cards such as Madoc, Saesenthessis and Saber Tooth Tiger.
If we are able to win round 1 it seems we have a greater chance of winning the match, as this deck will perform less optimally in bleed situations, so we can use the Elven Scribes whisperers and Madoc to secure round control.
Hope you will all enjoy it and let me know what you think,