Dhaka University A Unit Subject List
Dhaka University A Unit Subject List is essential for the students who are going to admit in the A Unit. Dhaka University A Unit is also known as DU Ka Unit. There is a total of 1795 seats for the science students in Dhaka University A Unit. If a student takes part in DU A unit, then he should know about the DU A Unit Subjects list. you check our another post, If you are searching for B & C Unit subject list. We , here, provide all the subject listings according to the faculty of A Unit.
Dhaka University A Unit Faculty List
Dhaka University A Unit consists of different faculties and institutes of Dhaka University. This unit is basically for the students of science. Those who are interested in making graduation in the science subjects, DU A unit, should be their first choice. There are 10 faculties and institute under the Dhaka University A Unit. These are
Science Faculty
Biological Faculty
Pharmacy Faculty
Earth and Environment Science Faculty
Engineering & Technology Faculty
Statistics institute
Nutrition and Food Science Institute
Information Technology Institute
Lether Engineering and Technology Institute
Education and Research Institute
Dhaka University A Unit Subject List
Dhaka University A Unit has almost 32 Subjects. Each of the subjects is controlled by the faculties. Here we have provided the Facultywise A Unit Subject list of Dhaka University. Below table provides the Dhaka University KA unit subjects list
Subject Name Faculty/ Institute Seats
Physics Science Faculty 140
Mathematics Science Faculty 130
Chemistry Science Faculty 90
Statistics Science Faculty 88
Applied Mathematics Science Faculty 70
Soil, Water, and Environment Science Biological Faculty 120
Botany Biological Faculty 75
Zoology. Biological Faculty 100
Biochemistry and Motivation Science. Biological Faculty 60
Psychology Biological Faculty 50
Microbiology. Biological Faculty 40
Fisheries Biological Faculty 40
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Biological Faculty 17
Pharmacy Pharmacy Faculty 65
Geography and environment Earth and Environment Science Faculty 50
Geology Earth and Environment Science Faculty 50
Oceanography Earth and Environment Science Faculty 25
Disaster science and management Earth and Environment Science Faculty 30
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Engineering & Technology Faculty 70
Applied Chemistry and Chemistry Engineering & Technology Faculty 60
Computer Science and Engineering Engineering & Technology Faculty 60
Nuclear engineering Engineering & Technology Faculty 25
Robotics and Mechanics Engineering Engineering & Technology Faculty 20
Applied statistics Statistics institute 50
Nutrition and Food Science Nutrition and Food Science Institute 35
Software engineering Information Technology Institute 30
Leather engineering Lather Engineering and Technology Institute 50
Footwear engineering Lather Engineering and Technology Institute 50
Leather Products Engineering Lather Engineering and Technology Institute 50
Physical Sciences Education and Research Institute 30
Biological Science Education and Research Institute 25
Total Seats 1795
DU A Unit Subject List
This is all about the Dhaka University A Unit Subjects List. There are some seats which are reserved for the D Unit student. D Units Subjects are for the all groups students or who want to migrate from one group to another groups. Hope, this article fulfills your knowledge about the DU Ka Unit Subject List. Share it to your friends.