Buxton, NC ocean overwash on 11/15/2021 from a big Nor'Easter that had been on us for days...
People in the comments "OBX is going to wash away..." "quit building there..." "anyone who lives there is an idiot..." and I could go on...
Well... ya'll realize it doesnt look like this all year right? 🙂
Enjoy a little preview of the mornings overwash, followed by a highlighted glimpse of what it's like here the rest of the year, when you aren't seeing it on the news because of a Nor'Easter.
We are here to endure the issues a handful of days a year, to enjoy the many greater benefits this place has to offer the rest of the time. No place I'd rather be...
Stuck Here On Purpose
(side note: if the State would let the County rebuild the jetties... our beaches actually wouldnt look nearly this bad anymore. but that's a topic for another video.)