#SHOW #Luxurious #異文化交流
”Planet of Food”は
制作:島津秀泰(Hideyasu Shimazu)、Kenichi Iwabuchi
アライグマ・・・Cydonie Brown(シドニーさん)青森県にある三沢基地の海軍で3年勤務の経験を持つ。大阪の道頓堀で暮らしていた時期があり、日本の在住歴は14年。現在は、アメリカ コネチカット州在住。
アライグマ・・・Mayumi Chigita 長崎県佐世保市出身。アメリカ軍佐世保基地が近くにあったため、米軍関係者の友人に多く囲まれて幼少期を過ごす。海外歴は浅く、メキシコ ティファナに約1年半住んだのち、仕事の都合でフィリピンに約1年住む。フィリピン滞在ののち、すぐにメキシコに戻りメキシコイラプアトに在住(約2年半)日本に住んでいた際は機械設計士として勤務し、現在は梱包材の設計営業としてお客様・サプライヤーを訪問する日々です。
シャム猫・・・Kanako Tahara(カナコさん)千葉県船橋市生まれ。大学卒業後、横浜で留学エージェント/カウンセラーとして勤務。激務で体調を壊しオーストラリア勤務の夢を逃す。学生の頃、留学先で出会った主人と結婚後は大阪四條畷市に8年、千葉県市川市に4年間住み、現在はタイバンコクに駐在妻として滞在約2年半。2013年ドイツ3ヶ月間の滞在中に自分の会社起業に向けて、新規提携先となる機関へ当時4歳と2歳の娘を連れて契約を結び歩く。2014年念願の留学エージェントを起業し「Welt留学サポート」として活動スタート。異国の文化を知ることが大好きでホームステイなども積極的に受け入れている。
Planet of Food
The concept of "Planet of Food" is "Life is more fun when you know the world's cuisine! Planet of Food" is a project that invites three housewives who live in different parts of the world to share information about food and cross-cultural exchange.
Twitter: @PlanetofFood1
BGM: "MusMus
Production: Hideyasu Shimazu, Kenichi Iwabuchi
<This month's theme: A dish you want to eat at least once a year
〇From Kanako, we had Khantoke, a Thai court dish.
〇Cydonie introduced pumpkin flavors, a taste unique to autumn.
〇Mayumi introduced Tuna, a fruit from Mexico.
<This time's performers
Raccoon... Cydonie Brown (Sydney) has three years of experience serving in the Navy at Misawa Air Base in Aomori Prefecture. She lived in Dotonbori, Osaka for a while and has been living in Japan for 14 years. She currently lives in Connecticut, USA.
Raccoon: Mayumi Chigita is from Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture. Since the U.S. military base in Sasebo was located nearby, she spent her childhood surrounded by many friends who were involved in the U.S. military. After living in Tijuana, Mexico for about a year and a half, she moved to the Philippines for about a year due to her work. After my stay in the Philippines, I immediately returned to Mexico and lived in Irapuato, Mexico (about 2.5 years).
Currently, I am visiting customers and suppliers as a designer and sales representative of packaging materials.
White Cat・・・Kanako Tahara (Kanako) was born in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture. After graduating from university, she worked as a study abroad agent/counselor in Yokohama. After graduating from university, she worked as a study abroad agent/counselor in Yokohama, but she fell ill and missed her dream of working in Australia due to hard work. After marrying my husband, whom she met while studying abroad as a student, we lived in Shijonawate, Osaka for 8 years, Ichikawa, Chiba for 4 years, and now I am living in Bangkok, Thailand as an expatriate wife for about 2.5 years. In 2014, she started her dream of becoming a study abroad agent and started working as "Welt Study Abroad Support". She loves to learn about other cultures and actively accepts homestays.