What if our Weight Doubled? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

What if our Weight Doubled? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

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What if our Weight Doubled?
Firstly, if our Weight Doubled, our old clothes may not fit us anymore, there will be a shopping frenzy all around.
Secondly, if our Weight Doubled, everyone might try to enroll in a gym, gyms might get overfilled.
Thirdly, if our Weight Doubled, some people may try to sell fake weight reducing potions, many people may end up paying huge amounts of money for them.
Fourthly, if our Weight Doubled, body-builders might start working out all day long to get back in shape.
Fifthly, if our Weight Doubled, we may need bigger doors, carpenters will be in high demand.
Lastly, if our Weight Doubled, getting inside a small car may get difficult, people may start buying bigger cars.

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