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This was just a random idea that I had with friends and we accidentally turned it into a live production. The audio was messy at times, but I promise it'll be a lot cleaner next time we do something like this. :)
➤ @Alpharad as Romeo
➤ Deanna Gowland as Juliet
➤ @anthpo as Mercutio
➤ @Jaiden Animations as Benvolio
➤ @Cristina Vee as Tybalt
➤ @FamilyJules as Lord Capulet
➤ Tori Gowland as Lady Capulet
➤ @adrisaurus as Lord Montague
➤ @Altrive Plus as Lawrence
➤ Caleb Swindell as Nurse
➤ @PointCrow as Paris
➤ @cjya as Peter
➤ @Johnny Manchild as the Apothecary
➤ @8illy as Prince Escolus
➤ Written by Jo Hudgins (@Jo Sniffy)
➤ Produced by Deanna Gowland
➤ Shot by Thomas Feezel and Josh Fraser
➤ Edited by Jacob Rabon IV
➤ Hair and Make Up by Sophia La Frazia
#RomeoAndJuliet #Alpharad #Theatre