Repeated single affirmations are powerful tools for manifesting desires. No matter who you are, whether you work in an air-conditioned office or outdoors as a landscape artist, it's always nice to be PROMOTED and receive a SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE in salary. This repeated prosperity affirmation will make POWERFUL SUBCONSCIOUS IMPRESSIONS to manifest your desire in real life. No matter who you are and what you do, be grateful and proud of the work that keeps you independent.
You can get the appreciations in Day 1 through Day 52 in my self-published book, "Sparkles of Gratitude" in paperback or on your Kindle at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098GT2HGN.
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Please visit the God Candy Book Store on Amazon to see wonderful books, journals, diaries and e-cards to strengthen your faith, expand your heart and and enhance your worldly experience: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B098TYFQDX
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This channel is part of my God Candy blog-site, which you are invited to visit at www.GodCandy.com to get free passages of my book, Faith To Fortune.
Shameless plug: As some of you may know, I have written a book about the seven spiritual states of mind to successful manifesting called Faith To Fortune. Please visit the page on Amazon to learn more about the book and perhaps support this channel with a purchase at https://tinyurl.com/YaronAuthor. Check out my author page on Amazon at https://tinyurl.com/YaronBooks.
Take care of yourself and love yourself and others as you would yourself.
Love and light,