Our Closest Stars. What Lies beyond the Solar System?

Our Closest Stars. What Lies beyond the Solar System?

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There are approximately 1,400 stellar systems in space within the radius of 50 light years from the Solar system. Some of them are multiple and contain two and more objects, which makes the overall number of our stellar neighbours over 2,000. These are all sorts of stars, from dim red dwarves to dazzling giants whose temperatures are beyond our imagination. The incredible scale and great abundance of space objects in all their diversity can’t but amaze. Life’s too short to give account of each and every one of them.

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00:00 Intro
01:38 Ross 128
04:22 Luyten's star
07:19 Аltair
09:43 Fomalhaut
14:11 Аrcturus
16:37 Ending

#Stars #Closest #Film #Planets #Ross128b #Аltair #Аrcturus #Fomalhaut #Kosmo

Closest starssolar systemclosest planets

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