How to easily fold a duvet comforter using Marie Kondo's KonMari method of folding.
Here I show 2 folding options as I fold a thin summer double sized comforter duvet.
Works great for all of your storage needs including fitting into a pillowcase for use as a spare pillow.
Save time and space in drawers, on shelves, in linen closet, and even storage bins & blanket storage chest.
how to fold quilts into 'quillow' - folded into itself creating a pocket to store pillowcases, sheets, & other items: https://youtu.be/1z4AukUPyDI
how to fold regular/cotton pillowcases: https://youtu.be/N9ImRx1Gpgo
how to fold sheets: https://youtu.be/q_SmzaTCmP8
how to fold fitted sheets: https://youtu.be/zyJtmvRK1nI
how to fold sheets into a pillow with pocket to hold pillowcases: coming soon
how to fold blankets: https://youtu.be/JjCV7lEIQyA
how to fold blankets into a pillow with pocket to hold other items: coming soon
how to fold comforters into a pillow with pocket to hold items like pillowcases & sheets: coming soon
#shorts video of folding 2 quilted pillowcases at a time for taller drawers and storage spaces: https://youtu.be/IZ5f63Z-fGw
#shorts video of folding 2 quilted pillowcases at a time for both taller & shorter storage to save space: https://youtu.be/CgGCRxu9Ffc
How to konmari fold matching quilt video: coming soon
How to fold quilted pillowcases individually included in this video: https://youtu.be/1z4AukUPyDI (shows after folding quilt)
#konmarifoldinglinens #konmarifoldingbedding #howtofold #easyfolding