Ex-CIA chief who got Osama Bin Laden Speaks To Arnab Goswami | Leon Panetta On Nation Wants To Know

Ex-CIA chief who got Osama Bin Laden Speaks To Arnab Goswami | Leon Panetta On Nation Wants To Know

#LeonPanettaSpeaksToArnab #NationWantsToKnow #RepublicTV

In an exclusive interview with Republic Media Network's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, Leon Panetta, former US Secretary of Defence and ex-CIA director, said that India is an extremely important ally for the United States, particularly for security reasons. He also exposed the Taliban and Pakistan for their role in supporting terrorism.

Former CIA director praises QUAD

Leon Panetta said that the key to providing prosperity depends on strong alliances. "Ability to provide peace and prosperity depends on whether we have strong alliances. Quad is one of such alliances," he said.

The Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) is a strategic dialogue between India, Japan, Australia and the United States.

Panetta on Taliban, Pakistan & China

The former CIA chief criticised the Taliban government and their Afghanistan takeover. He said that the Taliban is going to provide safe haven to terrorism. "Pakistan was using their relationship with terror as leverage. Obama never trusted Pakistan so we had to do the operation ourselves on Osama," he said. Panetta further stressed that "we must be vigilant with Pakistan."

Panetta also advised the Xi Jinping administration to not trust the Taliban. "China ought to be aware that they are dealing with someone who doesn't play by rules," he said.

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