I Wish I May uit The Witches of Eastwick door Starlight Boulevard.
Welkom bij de KAMPVUUR SESSIES! Na een jaar online repeteren in Jamulus konden we dit voorjaar eindelijk weer bij elkaar komen voor het grootste digitale concert in de geschiedenis van Starlight. Maar liefst 14 nummers hebben we ingezongen, met prachtige instrumentale tracks ingespeeld door professionele muzikanten.
Bekijk hier het hele concert: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL48RDyij_afVlwQ5BL0upIEnfxR0ohOZb
Volg Starlight Boulevard:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/starlightboulevard
Instagram: https://instagram.com/starlightutrecht
Website: https://www.starlight-boulevard.nl
Donateur worden: https://www.starlight-boulevard.nl/donateurs
Gerben Kruisselbrink | Piano / Muzikaal Leider https://gerbenkruisselbrink.nl/ik-dirigeer/
Michiel Pelgrom | Basgitaar / Contrabas https://michielpelgrom.nl
Theo Janssen | Percussie / Geluidstechniek http://www.tjamp.nl
Bas Janssen | Geluidstechniek
Wilbert Schuurman Hess | Video-opnames / montage https://ikwildesign.nl
De Kampvuur Sessies zijn mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Mien van 't Sant Fonds
Over Starlight Boulevard:
Starlight Boulevard is een musicalvereniging uit Utrecht. Al 25 jaar maken wij bijzondere musicals met een dertigtal enthousiaste en getalenteerde leden en een professioneel artistiek team. Na unieke producties als Big Fish, The Attic, Blood Brothers en Pippin staat in april 2022 weer een zinderende voorstelling op de agenda. Volg ons op Facebook en Instagram voor al het laatste nieuws.
Once upon a time a little girl used to climb the grassy hills,
used to hunt the forest through.
She'd boss around her brothers and she'd tell them what to do-
her future all planned out, within an inch, without a doubt.
One perfect house, two perfect cars...
she asked the moon, she wished on stars.
Once upon a time, that girl was me...
Once upon a time a little girl used to laze about the lake,
used to swim in it at dawn with all her closest girlfriends-
not a stitch of clothing on.
They imagined when alone how they might change when they were grown.
Yet when the stars would fill the glen, she wished to stay as she was then.
Once upon a time, that girl was me...
Once upon a time a little girl used to dream about romance-
used to dance the evening through.
She'd laugh and toss her hair back like the movie stars would do.
At school though, she would die each time a boy would catch her eye.
The ones who smoked...who played guitars...
Alex and Sukie-
Who pledged their love...
Alex and Sukie-
Upon a time..
Beneath the stars...
Alex and Sukie-
Upon a..
Once upon a time, that girl was me.
And everything I am is because of who she was-
and though it may not seem to be, she's with me still..
The girl who'd see the boys and run
Swimming circles in the sun
Who raced her brothers up the hill
That little girl...I close my eyes and there she is,
beneath the wrinkles and the scars.
I'm still that little girl wishing blindly on the stars....
I wish I may, I wish I might feel the joy I feel tonight forever-
one perfect moment to hold with me still, I wish I may...I say I will
I'll ask the moon before I sleep,
let this night be mine to keep for always.
This was the moment the magic began,
I wish I may, I wish I may, I wish I may- I say I can