We've been seeing a TON of TMI girl talk videos, and wanted to give our personal advice / open up about our own girl struggles / experiences. This is our most *unfiltered* video on our channel. Enjoy :)
💗 time codes💗
0:00 intro
1:08 sexuality
2:53 body hair
4:01 acne + how to fix acne
6:06 oral sex
6:53 naked bodies + lady flowers
7:57 dressing like "a lady"
8:36 why you shouldn't compare
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EP 1: "Who Invited Her?!": https://youtu.be/HOSWKHzsC1Q
EP2: “My Sister Ruined My Birthday" Niki and Gabi Jersey Shore
Ep 3: "Breakdown on the Beach": https://youtu.be/6bY5_zhaun8
If you see this, comment “just don’ use your teeth”
only those who watch up to that point will know what this means ;)
vlog channels:
niki demar https://www.youtube.com/user/nikidema...
fancy vlogs by gab https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLGe......
Instagram➜ @NIKI / @GABI
Twitter➜ @nikidemar / @gabcake
Tumblr➜ nikidemar / breakfastatchanel-starringgabi
Snapchat➜ nikidemarrr / fancysnapsbygab
We’re Niki and Gabi! We hope you enjoyed our TMI GIRL TALK video! If you don't know, We’re twin sisters who are different with opposite fashion and styles, but we come together to make Niki and Gabi reality shows, videos like challenges, sister vs sister, photoshoot challenges, 24 hour challenges, DIY, swaps, shopping challenges, 24 hour challenges, diy, style, beauty, lifestyle, fashion, comedy, types of girls, music, and more!