When To Bring a Carpark Slip, Trip Or Fall Personal Injury Claim 2021 UK
So you’ve been involved in a Carpark Slip, Trip Or Fall Personal Injury Accident which was caused due to the negligence of others and you wish to bring a claim for compensation but you’re unsure of when the best time to bring a claim for compensation for your Carpark Slip, Trip Or Fall Personal Injury Accident may be? We believe that in order to help your claim be as successful as possible, in almost all cases the best time to bring a claim is as close to the time of the accident as is possible. The reason for this is because it will be much easier to gather evidence in support of your claim. This could include but is not limited to; Being seen by a medical professional as soon as possible after the accident. Not only will this mean that you will receive the most appropriate treatment but also the fact that you attended for treatment will be evidence you can use to show you were injured. In terms of the claims process, any records from these medical assessments may be used as evidence to help demonstrate the severity of your Injury. When it comes to gathering evidence, it’s important that you speak to anybody that may have witnessed the Accident which resulted in your Injury and ask for a copy of their contact details, as well as to take photographs of the accident location and what specifically caused your Injury as well as making a note of whether there are any CCTV cameras covering the area in which the accident occurred and you must, if possible ensure that an accident report is completed. These steps are all steps that should be taken in the immediate aftermath of an accident and depending on the circumstances, the order in which they are done may differ but if you wish to bring a claim for compensation then you should do all you can to ensure that these steps are taken. Now these are only some of the steps you may take to help gather evidence as certain types of accidents may require certain forms of evidence, an example of this would be if you have tripped on a crack in the pavement. Taking a photo of the crack and using a coin or even a tape measure to help demonstrate the size of the crack would be recommended and in this instance it should be done as soon as possible as the crack may be repaired after your accident. Finally, when it comes to timescales, it’s vitally important that you remember that for most personal injuries, the claim time limit is three years, whilst there are a number of very few circumstances which may allow an individual to bring a claim outside of this window, in almost all cases the victim of an accident has just three years from the date of the accident to bring a claim. This is why we recommend that you act as soon as possible as if something unexpected happens in your life and you don’t have the time to bring a claim for your Carpark Slip, Trip Or Fall Personal Injury Accident or you forget to bring it within three years, your options for compensation become severely limited, if any!
This brings me onto how bringing a claim can often be a time consuming exercise for an individual, which is why we recommend that anyone who wishes to bring a claim, enlists the services of a professional with the experience of handling countless cases just like yours. We recommend that you contact a Carpark Slip, Trip Or Fall Personal Injury Claims specialist like ourselves, LegalExpert.co.uk. We offer a no win no fee service, which means that as long as you're honest in your account of how the accident happened, you can get a professional working on securing the compensation that you deserve for your compensation claim, right away without having to worry about paying any upfront fees. Call now on 0800 652 7676 or use our live chat service at LegalExpert.co.uk to see if we’re able to assist you in pursuing the compensation that you deserve. We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and we offer a completely free, zero obligation consultation, where we’ll talk through the incident with you in order to help you establish whether or not we believe you have a claim. Our team may be able to discuss if someone gets hurt on your property are you liable uk, average payout for slip and fall uk, how much compensation for a fall uk, average compensation for slip and fall, if someone falls on your property are you liable uk, slipped on wet floor injury, what happens when you are injured in a store and slip and fall compensation amounts uk