VANGUARD: The MAJOR CHANGES To Classes FULLY EXPLAINED... (All Attachment, Gunsmith & Perk Changes)

VANGUARD: The MAJOR CHANGES To Classes FULLY EXPLAINED... (All Attachment, Gunsmith & Perk Changes)

Call of Duty Vanguard Multiplayer has been officially revealed and with that we've learned about weaponry in COD Vanguard, maps in Vanguard, but what about some of the major changes to Create a Class because the fundamentals, while familiar, shake up the entire base mechanics of Vanguard's upcoming multiplayer experience. Today we're going to fully detail and explain all the major changes to Call of Duty Vanguard's create a class and Gunsmith changes including new things like proficiencies, kits, and more when it comes to weapon builds. This is All the Major Changes to Custom Classes Fully Explained!

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00:00 - Intro
00:59 - Familiar Feeling (MW19 vs Vanguard)
01:30 - All COD Vanguard Killstreaks
03:10 - All Field COD Vanguard Field Upgrades
04:52 - COD Vanguard Gunsmith Details
05:20 - All 10 COD Vanguard Attachment Options
05:50 - NEW COD Vanguard Proficiencies & Kits Explained
08:48 - NEW COD Vanguard Ammo Types Explained
09:40 - What to Expect In FULL COD Vanguard Weapon Builds
10:16 - Additional Gunsmith Great Changes
10:56 - All COD Vanguard Weapons
11:40 - All COD Vanguard Perks
13:38 - All COD Vanguard Lethals & Tacticals
13:52 - Outro (Thanks for watching! Like, Sub, Comment!)

ecoliespressoVanguardCOD Vanguard

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