This video gives tips and tricks for ALL 49 Valheim Hearth and Home items, building pieces, furniture etc. Essentially everything that Hearth and Home has added to Valheim. These are all useful tips and tricks you want to know right now as they are relevant for the early, mid and late game. This video also makes you familiar with everything that has been added to Valheim with Hearth and Home, as we go over every new item, showcase these and compare them with items that were already in base Valheim. Enjoy!
0:00 Intro
0:28 Cartography Table
1:02 Chests
1:35 Coin items
1:54 Stacking resources
2:13 Cauldron Improvements
3:01 Stone Oven (Baking)
3:34 Iron Cooking Station
4:04 The Obliterator
4:32 Bathtub
4:53 Chair/Throne/Log
5:18 Tables
5:43 Crystal walls
6:11 Banners
6:25 Blue Torch
6:36 Changes To Building
6:58 All New Wood Stuff
7:50 All Darkwood Pieces
9:38 Adornments
9:55 Cages/Prisons
10:24 What do you think?
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Video about The Obliterator:
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10 Mistakes You Need To Stop Making #1: https://youtu.be/vvTXaheNQCk
10 Mistakes You Need To Stop Making #2: https://youtu.be/wLTLh8paG1E
10 Building Mistakes You Need Stop Making: https://youtu.be/Zw-2Wu0k9FE
10 Advanced Tips & Tricks: https://youtu.be/aKag9iz60Gc
Tips & Tricks You Want To Know RIGHT NOW: https://youtu.be/AHzdMqgU0nU
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Best Valheim Seed For You To Play on: https://youtu.be/FUDhtK8quho
Seeds for if you want a fun challenge: https://youtu.be/WrzWyowumuk
Best way to get ore and wood: https://youtu.be/wASTnSl7CIo
Valheim's BIGGEST Secrets: https://youtu.be/VS3-CD30XCM