There's a DM going thru a spontaneous awakening // divine children of light channeled message.

There's a DM  going thru a spontaneous awakening // divine children of light channeled message.

Hey, Lovelies I've got a double message for you guys! First I'm channeling a message about divine children that will be born from soulmate/twin flame unions. They will issue in a new age of love and light onto the world.
the second message which starts at 29:26 . Is about a Masculine that is going thru a spontaneous awakening of his spiritual gifts and becoming an Emperor almost overnight. Someone needs to hear this very personal message! You are being guided and protected!


***And as always with these collective messages if I say 'he ' I'm referring to the Masculine energy and 'she' I am referring to the Feminine. Please reverse or apply the energies as they resonate.


Seeing the Twin Flame Journey from a Divine Perspective// Heart Chakra Channeled Message pt. 2

A Curse and Angelic Protection. Trying to stop the rise of the Emperor & Empress// Heart chakra pt.1

Karmic sleeping with the DM's father. Standing up for themselves! //Throat Chakra Channeled Message

Eliminating karmic self-doubt and Embracing your gifts // Third Eye Chakra Channeled Message

DM wake up! This Tower is saving you! // Crown Chakra Channeled Message

**As always I am incredibly grateful for the beautiful energy exchange on this channel! Enjoy yourself and be careful. **💕🙏**All videos are for entertainment purposes only. If you need a professional's help please seek it. There is no shame and We must all support each other and ourselves on this spiritual journey**

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🔮**Decks Used**🔮

Smith-Waite Tarot: Borderless Edition
The Llewellyn Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson
Angels and Ancestor Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray
Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild


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