Texas Tyranny: Police Circumvent the Law and Physically Ban Parents from Public School Board Meeting

Texas Tyranny: Police Circumvent the Law and Physically Ban Parents from Public School Board Meeting

A Round Rock ISD open school board meeting was held Tuesday night. On the agenda was whether or not to extend the school district's mask mandate and also discussion of a tax rate hike. Parents who signed up to speak came early. Many even brought their own chairs - knowing in the past, the school board would remove most of the chairs - as an excuse to say the room was "at capacity." The parents were not allowed entry. Only a handful of "approved" people were in the room. The school board positioned RRISD Police officers to guard the door and prevent entry - a direct violation of the Texas open meetings LAW. Police got rough and physical with those who tried to peacefully and lawfully enter the room. Another parent was dragged out of the room. Two of the school board members who spoke up for following the law and allowing parents entry ended up leaving 30 minutes in because the public was not being granted entry. The meeting ended up being adjourned and postponed until Saturday because of "public disruption."

tyrannyschool boardkristi leigh

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