Donald Trump recently demanded that the state of Texas conduct an Arizona-style ballot audit, even though he won the state by hundreds of thousands of votes. In spite of a lack of evidence of fraud, the Republicans who control Texas were more than happy to oblige his unreasonable request. But Trump might want to be careful what he wishes for based on what we just saw from Arizona. Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/23/us/politics/texas-trump-election-audit.html
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Last week, Donald Trump told Republicans in Texas that they needed to conduct a forensic ballot audit just to, you know, make sure there was no widespread fraud taking place in the state in the 20, 20 election, eight and a half hours later. The state of Texas that is currently by the way, without a secretary of state, because the secretary of state resigned earlier this year and they just haven't gotten around to appointing a new one. So there's really nobody in charge of this particular area of the state, which, you know, ballot audits would fall under the role of secretary of state. So anyway, eight and a half hours after Trump makes this request, Republicans in Texas say, hell yeah, master, we'll do whatever you say. And they have announced that they are in fact going to be conducting a ballot audit. Oh, but don't worry folks, even though Donald Trump won the state of Texas by five percentage points, like it wasn't even close.
So they're not going to bother auditing the entire state because that'd be a fool's errand. Right. Trump won most of this. So instead, what they're going to do is they're only going to focus on four counties, three of which Donald Trump didn't win. So basically what these Texas Republicans are doing at Trump's request is auditing a couple of the counties that Biden won just to, you know, make sure Biden actually won them. This is similar to what Republicans in the state of Florida have proposed because even though Trump carried the state of Florida Republicans here want to conduct ballot audits of five counties, all of which voted for Joe Biden. So here's the crazy thing, right? Okay. It's not just enough that Trump won these states. He has to win it by more. We have to prove that Trump is so beloved in Florida and Texas, that we have to undermine the entire electoral process in order to do it be careful what you wish for there.
Hos, because we just saw what happened in Arizona, right? They conducted their ballot audit carried on for almost six months. And then finally they revealed that yeah, we accidentally undercounted all of the Biden votes and over counted the Trump votes. So you actually lost by more than what we have originally thought. And I hope the same thing happens in Texas. I hope if they conduct a ballot audit in Florida, that the same thing happens here because this is what Donald Trump deserves. Uh, Manny Fidel from business insider pointed out on social media late last week that, uh, Donald Trump was basically living in a tenant type scenario where he keeps losing the 20, 20 election over and over and over again. And it's absolutely hilarious folks because that's what continues to happen. No matter what he does. He loses every recount. He's lost every audit, he's lost
Every lawsuit he's lost. So as much as Trump doesn't want to admit that he lost the 2020 election, he is now lost that 20, 20 election multiple times. And it is comical or at least it would be if it weren't so damaging for this country, because every new ballot audit every new recount, he demands. Every lawsuit, they file undermines integrity in our voting systems. Are they perfect? Hell no, not even close. Is there widespread rampant fraud and United States elections? Absolutely not. That has been proven investigation after investigation, after investigation what's happening in Texas is that these Trump's sympathetic Republicans are trying to soothe his ego and continue their attacks on Joe Biden. Even though they all know Biden is the legitimate president and Donald Trump is just a grumpy old man spending his days on the golf course with nothing productive to do.