Role of Individual in Islamic Economic System

Role of Individual in Islamic Economic System

Role of Individual in an Islamic Economics

Resources which are provided by nature and which can be used directly by man may be utilized freely, and everyone is entitled to benefit from them according to his needs. Water in the rivers and springs, timber in the forests, fruits of wild plants, wild grass and fodder, air, animals of the jungle, minerals under the surface of the earth and similar other resources cannot be monopolized by anyone nor can restrictions of any sort be imposed on their free use by Allah’s creatures to fulfil their own needs. Of course, people who want to use any of these things for commercial purposes can be required to pay taxes to the state. Or, if there is misuse of the resources, the Government may intervene. But there is nothing to prevent individuals availing themselves of Allah’s earth as long as they do not interfere with the rights of others or of the state.
Responsibilities of individual Muslim in Islamic economic network
Being Muslim every citizen has some responsibilities; Muslims in the world are some of the richest. If this wealth is used as per the direction of Allah we can alleviate poverty. Islam as system and way of life is based on collective responsibility of society, ethics and principles. If we follow it we will be able remove the poverty from the society.

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#MuslimEconimicSystem #Economy #System #Sharia #Shariah #Islamic


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