In the language hierarchy, "combining words to form a sentence" is the hardest and most crucial step. Stephanie the Stereotypical Student has trouble understanding many long, complex sentences, without being fully aware that this is what's causing her to answer questions incorrectly. In this introductory video, I explain what it takes to really "get" a complex sentence. We discuss phrases and clauses as crucial intermediates between words and sentences.
I prepared this lesson with the Reading Comprehension sections of the ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and SAT in mind. However, it is also perfectly suitable for reading informative non-fiction in ordinary life (which is the best practice for standardized exams anyway!)
I tutor standardized exams in Los Angeles and online. If you'd like to consider a lesson, please schedule a free half-hour consultation at www.NthDegreeTutoring.com/appointment-calendar.