As our vineyard becomes more established, we take a closer look at the role of the catch wires. Establishing our leaf wall and exposing our grapes to the sun.
In order that the vines don't go completely out of control, we need to manage the growth and we are doing this with our vertical training system or more specifically our double guyot training system. To get most of the growth growing upright and away from the fruit that will hang from the main trellis line, we hold the growth between the two sets of catch wires. These are flexible and loose and easy to tuck the vine growth into, thereby maintaining a wall of leaves.
Then at this time of year, we need to get some sunshine onto the grapes themselves, otherwise they will be susceptible to mildew and rot. Clear away the leaves that shield these bunches of grapes and you will ensure that the grapes ripen and are free from those moulds.
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Music by : www.bensound.com