Nazirite Vow

Nazirite Vow

I. What a Nazirite is
a. Separated one
i. Explain the word Nazirite naw-zar
ii. Compare to vow naw-dar
b. Rules
i. No alcohol, not even allowed to eat raisins Numbers 6.3-4
ii. Unshaven Numbers 6.5
iii. Stay away from the dead Numbers 6.6-8
II. What a Nazirite is not
a. From Nazareth (could touch the dead, shave, have some of the hair of the dog)
i. That would make you a Nazarene
ii. Jesus was a Nazarene, but was not a Nazirite
1. Did not shy away from the dead Luke 7.12-15
2. Considered a drunk Luke 7.33-34
b. Permanent
i. The vow was intended to be separation from normal life for a period of time Numbers 6.5, 8, 13
1. Impurity would break the vow, cleansing would be required
ii. Some are devoted to being Nazirites from birth for their entire lives
iii. Samson Judges 13.3-5
1. Samuel 1 Samuel 1.11
2. John the Immerser Luke 1.13-15
c. Other Nazirites
1. Paul Acts 18.18
2. Four men Acts 21.23-24
a. Note the vow is tied to the Law (of Moses) and the discussion of expenses
b. Expenses are a big deal considering the sacrifices required to complete the vow Numbers 6.21
III. Should You take the Nazirite vow?
a. Note the wording “consecrated head” Numbers 6.9, 11, 18, 19
b. Compare “consecrated head” to Christ 1 Corinthians 11.2-4
i. Christ consecrated so we may be sanctified John 17.19-21
1. Why the head covering discussion exists in 1 Cor 11- Jesus is our separation, other vows don’t help/increase
ii. We are set apart to God, by the Jesus’ sacrifice Hebrews 10.11-14

Originally preached to the Saints of the Poor Fork Church of Christ on the evening of September 12, 2021.

Most of the videos uploaded here are sermons that have been preached. While truth is timeless and perfect, please remember that these messages are tailored to the congregation they are given in. If you have any questions, please message me.
I do pray all people come to the truth and find the salvation of God and that perhaps these messages may be of benefit to that end.

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