Lay Down And Rot - Incel - Inceldom - Incelcore - Dark Ambient - Suicide - Depression - MGTOW

Lay Down And Rot - Incel - Inceldom - Incelcore - Dark Ambient - Suicide - Depression - MGTOW

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LDAR is an acronym that stands for lay down and rot (or 'lie" down in case of an imperative). It is a state of being that a person may reach if they conclude there is no point to striving after success and accomplishment. For males who are on the inceldom spectrum, this occurs because they feel their socioeconomic or physiological traits are immutable, or because often there are very few, if any sexual rewards nowadays for moderate social success. It is sometimes synonymous with slothing.

The term is widely used in incel, NEET, and hikikomori forums. Blackpillers also particularly like to use the term to describe their own situation after reaching a point of fatalism born from sexual in-opportunity among other things.

Musician/Composer. Sometimes dark and depressing, sometimes ethereal and uplifting.

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