I'm Back and What I've Been Up To

I'm Back and What I've Been Up To

Thank you so much for tuning into today’s video - I'm Back and What I've Been Up To! I missed you all! Hope you enjoy the vlog Xoxo

⚡Please SUBSCRIBE! https://goo.gl/w93Upt

❤️ Check out my line of luxury accessories: https:/bymichelewang.com

❤️ COS BAR BEAUTY BAG EVENT! Receive a free bag with every purchase of $200 - https://shop-links.co/cfxiWL53ERc. (Also, use code FIB21 to get 10% off when you purchase a full-sized product featured in the Fall Into Beauty gift.)

☀️ Sunset West Outdoor Set - https://bit.ly/3haNQ5Z
24” Paperclip Link Necklace from my luxury accessories collection - https:/bymichelewang.com
30” Oval Chain Link Necklace from Stephanie Windsor - https://www.stephaniewindsor.com
Pearl Earrings - https://mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/2rWkmG

Sigma Makeup Brush Drying Tower - https://shop-links.co/cfxiTnQnhxR

Audimute Soundblocking Panels - https://www.audimute.com/isole-sound-barrier-sheet

Sonny Cosmetics Acrylic Organizers - http://sonnycosmetics.com?aff=258

Atelier Cologne - https://shop-links.co/cfxiVlLhP99

Susanne Kaufmann - https://shop-links.co/cfxiWteEg3F

Peach & Lily - https://shop-links.co/cfxiXejPXPM

House of Sillage Whispers of Seduction (9/17)

Necessaire Shampoo & Conditioner $25 each, or $40 for set - http://shrsl.com/35h96

The Detox Market Superhero Box $50 ($123 value) - https://bit.ly/38MYA5E

Yibu Beauty - https://yibubeauty.com/

🥗 Nambe Salad Bowls $76.50 for 4 - https://amzn.to/2X2Pf7G
Le Creuset Baker with Lid $120 - https://amzn.to/3njB9cC

My rings are from Lucifer Vir Honestus; One-of-a-kind.

Pearl Earrings from Mejuri - https://mejurifinecrew.sjv.io/2rWkmG

Shirt from Uniqlo - old style

My last name is spelled Wang, pronounced like Wong

Mailing address:
Michele Wang
10620 Southern Highlands Pkwy
Suite 110-20
Las Vegas, NV 89141

SHOP MY FAVORITE STORES through these affiliate links to support this channel (bookmark them for easy access!):
Sephora - https://shop-links.co/1734597920205040642
Saks Fifth Avenue - https://shop-links.co/1734597945121843208
Rephr Brushes - https://www.rephr.com/?vr=exogof​
Chanel - https://bit.ly/2VzQK9R​
Dior - https://bit.ly/3vfptt5
Nordstrom - https://bit.ly/367mA3B​
COS Bar - https://bit.ly/2QS2wZa​
Neiman Marcus - https://bit.ly/2IXDch6
Bergdorf Goodman - https://bit.ly/38v53mb
MuseBeauty.Pro - http://bit.ly/2GA2ccU​
Violet Grey - https://shop-links.co/1734597965662694121
Mejuri - http://bit.ly/37icE5w
Glossier - https://bit.ly/38u9PAy
Blue Mercury - https://bit.ly/2U2H0F8
Selfridges - https://bit.ly/3vhuqSn
House of Sillage - https://glnk.io/km93/themichelewang​
BK Beauty Brushes - https://shrsl.com/25snm​
Credo Beauty - https://shop-links.co/1734598258818799095
Verishop - https://shop-links.co/1734598299841703076

RAKUTEN - Get Cash Back when you shop online!!
Sign up here: https://www.rakuten.com/r/MISHI213

Get $10 welcome bonus when you spend $25+
(In order to get Cash Back you have to shop through Rakuten website or app.)

RAKUTEN Chrome Browser Extension - https://www.ebates.com/button.htm?ref_id=%20MISHI213

Follow me at:
Facebook: http://bit.ly/3d1lo2s
Instagram (Makeup/Beauty): themichelewang
Instagram (Food): mishi2x
Instagram (Miss Fuzzy Butters): missfuzzybutters
Twitter: themichelewang
TikTok: themichelewang

Facts about me, for reference:
Age: 47
Skin Type: Dry/Sensitive - eczema prone, but occasionally combo
Skin Tone: Neutral (warmer in the t-zone; cooler on the cheeks)

For Foundation Shades I wear, please go to my blog - http://www.themichelewang.com/foundation-shade-matches

I feature products of my choosing. I am not a makeup artist, merely a makeup and beauty enthusiast. The products I use in these videos are either purchased by me or sent to me by companies which I will always disclose. Some of the links in this description box are affiliated. My opinions reflected in these videos are 100% my own.

life updatelife update vlogwhere ive been

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